Sean Michaletz
Sean MichaletzAssistant professor
PhD, Plant Ecology, University of Calgary
MSc, Plant Ecology, University of Calgary
BA, Biology, Hamline University
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Nicole Bison
Nicole BisonPhD candidate
BSc, Biology, The University of British Columbia
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Marcella Cross
Marcella CrossPhD candidate
BS, Biological Sciences, Cornell University
Alex Goke
Alex GokePhD student
MS, Ecology & Evolution, University of Denver
BS, Botany, University of Wisconsin – Madison
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Nathan Malamud
Nathan MalamudMSc student
BS, Math and Computer Science, University of Oregon
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Milos Simovic
Milos SimovicPhD candidate
MS, Environmental Science, Cleveland State University
BS, Biology, Cleveland State University
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Dilay Aykut
Jordyn Eyton
Himari Honda
Ali Zare



Elizabeth Kleynhans, ecological modelling specialist at the BC Ministry of FLNRORD
Raquel Partelli Feltrin
Timothy Perez, applied researcher at Conservation International

Visiting postdocs

Hugo Galvão Cândido, postdoc at the Federal University of Viçosa

Graduate students

Isaac Borrego, Research & Development Scientist at Arca Climate
Josef Garen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University

Visiting graduate students

Yi He, MSc student at Zhejiang A&F University


Joani Viliunas, MS student at University of Hawaii
Lachlan Byrnes, PhD student at Yale University
Edward Sun, PhD student at The University of British Columbia
Jessica Brown, MS student at San José State University
Helena Tremblay
Han Bai
Vivane Beger
Sahaj Chawla
Cougar Smith
Kahsennaró:roks Deom
Jasleen Dhaliwal
Julien Grébert
Katica Naude
Timothy Wong
Neo Wu
Brendan Hansen
Paul English
Matthew Soo
Yanying (Bellie) Zhu
Ethel Way
Justin Chan
Ria Raut, PhD student at the
University of California, Berkeley
Nina Dorsch, MSc student at Imperial College London
Sumant Kumble

Josef Garen
Josef GarenPhD candidate
MA, Science & Technology Studies, The University of British Columbia
BSc, Physics, The University of British Columbia
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