Simovic M, Michaletz ST. 2025. Harnessing the full power of data to characterise biological scaling relationships. Global Ecology and Biogeography 34:e70019. Full text, Supporting Information, Data and code

Garen JC, Michaletz ST. 2025. Temperature governs the relative contributions of cuticle and stomata to leaf minimum conductance. New Phytologist 245:1911-1923. Full text, Supporting Information, Data and code

Lowe AJ, Royer DL, Wieczynski DJ, Butrim MJ, Reichgelt T, Azevedo-Schmidt L, Peppe DJ, Enquist BJ, Boyle B, Buzzard V, Kerkhoff AJ, Michaletz ST, Strömberg CAE. 2025. Global patterns in community-scale leaf mass per area distributions of extant woody non-monocot angiosperms and their utility in the fossil record. American Journal of Botany. Full text


Garen JC, Michaletz ST. 2024. Acclimation unifies the scaling of carbon assimilation across climate gradients and levels of organisation. Ecology Letters 27:e70004. Full text, Supplementary Information, Data, Code

Greene DF, Lopez MA, Michaletz ST. 2024. Fire in forest ecosystems. In Peh K, Corlett R, Bergeron Y (eds). Handbook of Forest Ecology. Second edition. Routledge. Full text

Hu Z, Fernandez-Martinez M, He Q, Xu Z, Zhou G, Chen J, Nie M, Yu Q, Feng H, Huang Z Michaletz ST. 2024. Fungal composition associated with host tree identity mediates nutrient addition effects on wood microbial respiration. Ecology. Full text

Bison NN, Michaletz ST. 2024. Variation in leaf carbon economics, energy balance, and heat tolerance traits highlights differing timescales of adaptation and acclimation. New Phytologist 242:1919-1931. Full text, Supporting Information, Data and code

Michaletz ST, Garen JC. 2024. Hotter is not (always) better: Embracing unimodal scaling of biological rates with temperature. Ecology Letters 27:e14381. Full text, Supporting Information, Data and code

Garen JC, Michaletz ST. 2024. Fast Assimilation-Temperature Response: A FAsTeR method for measuring the temperature dependence of leaf-level photosynthesis. New Phytologist 241:1361-1372. Full text, Data and code

Greene DF, Kane JM, Pounden E, Michaletz ST. 2024. Cone allometry and protection of seeds from fire are similar for serotinous and non-serotinous conifers. New Phytologist 242:93-106. Full text, Supporting Information, FDS input and output files

Grady JM, Read QD, Record S, Rüger N, Zarnetske P, Dell A, Hubbell S, Michaletz ST, Enquist BJ. 2024. Life history scaling in a tropical forest. Journal of Ecology 112:487-500. Full text

Vandvik V, …, Michlaetz ST, Garen JC, …, and co-authors. 2024. Plant trait and vegetation data along a 1314 m elevation gradient with fire history in Puna grasslands, Perú. Scientific Data 11:225. Full text


Garen JC, Aparecido LMT, Blonder BW, Cavaleri MA, Slot M, Michaletz ST. 2023. Canopy-top measurements do not accurately quantify canopy-scale leaf thermoregulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 120:e2301914120. Full text

Halbritter AH, …, Michaletz ST, …, and co-authors. 2023. Plant traits and associated data from experimental warming, a bird-cliff and an elevation gradient in Svalbard. Scientific Data. Full text

He Q, Wang S, Feng K, Michaletz ST, Hou W, Zhang W, Li F, Zhang Y, Wang D, Peng X, Yang X, Deng Y. 2023. High speciation rate of niche specialists in hot springs. The ISME Journal 17:1303-1314. Full text

Blonder B, Aparecido L, Hultine K, Lombardozzi D, Michaletz ST, Slot M, Winter K. 2023. Plant water use theory should incorporate hypotheses about extreme environments, population ecology, and community ecology. New Phytologist 238:2271–2283. Full text

Xu W-B, …, Michaletz ST, and 57 co-authors. 2023. Global beta-diversity of angiosperm trees is shaped by Quaternary climate change. Science Advances 9:eadd855. Full text

Dickman LT, Jonko A, Linn R, Altintas I, Atchley AL, Bär A, Collins AD, Dupuy J-l, Gallagher MR, Hiers JK, Hoffman CM, Hood SM, Hurteau MD, Jolly M, Josephson A, Loudermilk EL, Ma W, Michaletz ST, Nolan RH, O’Brien J, Parsons R, Partelli Feltrin R, Pimont F, Resco de Dios V, Restaino J, Sartor KA, Schultz-Fellenz E, Serbin S, Shuman J, Sieg CH, Skowronski NS, Weise DR, Wright M, Xu C, Yebra M, Younes N. 2023. Integrating plant physiology into simulation of fire behavior and effects. New Phytologist 238:952-970. Full text

Wolfe BT, Detto M, Zhang Y, Brodribb T, Collins AD, Crawford C, Dickman LT, Ely KS, Francisco J, Gurry PD, Hancock H, King CT, Majekobaje AR, Mallett CJ, McDowell NG, Mendheim Z, Michaletz ST, Myers DB, Price TJ, Rogers A, Serbin SP, Siddiq Z, Willis D, Wu J, Zailaa J, Wright SJ. 2023. Leaves as bottlenecks: The contribution of tree leaves to hydraulic resistance within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Plant, Cell & Environment 46:736-746. Full text


Garen JC, Branch HA, Borrego I, Blonder B, Stinziano J, Michaletz ST. 2022. Gas exchange analyzers exhibit large measurement error driven by internal thermal gradients. New Phytologist 236:369-384. Full text, Supporting Information, Data and code

Bison NN, Partelli Feltrin R, Michaletz ST. 2022. Trait phenology and fire seasonality co-drive seasonal variation in fire effects on tree crowns. New Phytologist 234:1654-1663. Full text, Supporting Information, Fire data, Trait data, Convection data, Code

Hacker PW, Coops NC, Laliberté E, Michaletz ST. 2022. Variations in accuracy of plant functional trait prediction due to spectral mixing. Ecological Indicators 136:108687. Full text

Guo W-Y, …, Michaletz ST, and 55 co-authors. 2022. High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 119:e2026733119. Full text

Lembrechts JJ, …, Michaletz ST, and many co-authors. 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28: 3110-3144. Full text

Jónsdóttir IS, Halbritter AH, Henn JJ, Althuizen IHJ, Björnsdóttir K, Christiansen CT, Haugum SV, Maitner BS, Malhi Y, Michaletz ST, Roos RE, Klanderud K, Lee H, Enquist BJ, Vandvik V. 2022. Intraspecific trait variability is a key feature underlying high Arctic plant community resistance to climate warming. Ecological Monographs e1555. Full text

Guo Z, Yan Z, Zhao Y, Song G, Wang B, Wang X, Deng Y, Michaletz ST, Ryu Y, Ashton L, Wong MA, Liu L, Weng E, Wu J. 2022. Dynamic biotic controls of leaf thermoregulation across the diel timescale. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 315:108827. Full text


Perez TM, Feeley KJ, Michaletz ST, Slot M. 2021. Methods matter for assessing global variation in plant thermal tolerance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118:e2024636118. Full text

Kleynhans EJ, Atchley A, Michaletz ST. 2021. Modelling fire effects on plants: From organs to ecosystems. In Johnson EA, Miyanishi K (eds). Plant Disturbance Ecology: The Process and the Response (2nd ed). pp. 383-421. Full text

Slot M, Cala D, Aranda J, Virgo A, Jones FA, Michaletz ST, Winter K. 2021. Leaf heat tolerance of 147 tropical forest species varies with elevation, leaf functional traits, and phylogeny. Plant, Cell & Environment 44:2414–2427. Full text

Fristoe TS, …, Michaletz ST, and 57 co-authors. 2021. Dimensions of invasiveness: links between abundance, geographic range size and habitat breadth in Europe’s alien and native floras. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118:e2021173118. Full text

Thomson E, Spiegel M, Althuizen I, Bass P, Chen S, Chmurzynski A, Halbritter A, Henn J, Jónsdóttir I, Klanderud K, Li Y, Maitner B, Michaletz ST, Niittynen P, Roos R, Telford R, Enquist B, Vandvik V, Macias-Fauria M, Malhi Y. 2021. Multiscale mapping of plant functional groups and plant traits in the High Arctic using handheld spectroscopy, UAV imagery and Sentinel-2A data. Environmental Research Letters 16:055006. Full text

Gorné LD, Diaz S, Minden V, Onoda Y, Kramer K, Muir C, Michaletz ST, Lavorel S, Sharpe J, Jansen S, Slot M, Chacon E, Boenisch G. 2021. The acquisitive-conservative axis emerges among the intraspecific leaf traits covariation pattern even under homogeneous environmental conditions. Annals of Botany 129:709-722. Full text

Cannon CH, …, Michaletz ST, and co-authors. 2021. Extending our scientific reach in arboreal ecosystems for research and management. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:712165. Full text


Blonder B, Escobar S, Kapás RE, Michaletz ST. 2020. Low predictability of energy balance traits and leaf temperature metrics in desert, montane and alpine plant communities. Functional Ecology 34:1882-1897. Full text, Supporting Information

Hu Z, Chen H, Gong XY, Shao J, Zhou G, Wang J, Yue C, Wang M, Xia J, Li Y, Zhou X, Michaletz ST. 2020. Traits mediate drought effects on wood carbon fluxes. Global Change Biology 26:3429-3442. Full text, Supplementary Information

Geange SR, von Oppen J, Strydom T, Boakye M, Gauthier T-LJ, Gya R, Halbritter AH, Jessup LH, Middleton SL, Navarro J, Pierfederici ME, Enquist BJ, Farfan-Rios W, Maitner BS, Michaletz ST, Telford RJ, Cotner S, Vandvik V. 2020. Next generation field courses: integrating Open Science and online learning. Ecology & Evolution 00:1-11. Full text

Tu Q, Yan Q, Deng Y, Michaletz ST, Buzzard V, Weiser MD, Waide R, Ning D, Wu L, He Z, Zhou J. 2020. Biogeographic patterns of microbial co-occurrence ecological networks in six American forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148:107897. Full text

Chen X, Sun J, Wang M, Lyu M, Niklas KJ, Michaletz ST, Zhong Q, Cheng D. 2020. The leaf economics spectrum constrains phenotypic plasticity across a light gradient. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:735. Full text

Vandvik V, …, Michaletz ST, and 29 co-authors. 2020. Plant traits and vegetation data from climate warming experiments along an 1000 m elevation gradient in Gongga Mountains, China. Scientific Data 7:189. Full text

Gallagher RV, …, Michaletz ST, Perez TM, and 52 co-authors. 2020. Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:294-303. Full text

Kattge J, …, Michaletz ST, and 727 co-authors. 2020. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26:119-188. Full text

Halbritter AH, …, Michaletz ST, and 113 co-authors. 2020. The handbook for standardised field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11:22-37. Full text, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5

Michaletz ST, Blonder B, De Boeck H. 2020. Leaf temperature measurements. In Halbritter AH et al. The handbook for standardised field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx). pp. S440-S449. Full text

Michaletz ST, Blonder B. 2020. Leaf thermal traits measurements. In Halbritter AH et al. The handbook for standardised field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx). pp. S450-S457. Full text


Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Deng Y, He Z, Ning D, Shen L, Tu Q, Van Nostrand J, Voordeckers JW, Wang J, Weiser MD, Kaspari M, Waide RB, Zhou J, Enquist BJ. 2019. Continental scale structuring of forest and soil diversity via functional traits. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3:1298-1308. Full text, Supplementary Information

Bär A, Michaletz ST, Mayr S. Fire effects on tree physiology. 2019. New Phytologist 223:1728-1741. Full text

Wieczynski DJ, Boyle B, Buzzard VR, Duran SM, Henderson A, Hulshof C, Kerkhoff AJ, McCarthy M, Michaletz ST, Swenson N, Asner GP, Patrick Bentley L, Enquist BJ, Savage VM. 2019. Climate shapes and shifts functional biodiversity in forests worldwide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116:587-592. Full text

Wu J, Serbin SP, Ely KS, Wolfe BT, Dickman LT, Grossiord C, Michaletz ST, Collins AD, Detto M, McDowell NG, Wright SJ, Rogers A. 2020. The response of stomatal conductance to seasonal drought in tropical forests. Global Change Biology 26:823-839. Full text

Dickman LT, McDowell NG, Grossiord C, Collins A, Wolfe B, Detto M, Wright SJ, Goodsman D, Rogers A, Serbin S, Wu J, Ely KS, Michaletz ST, Xu C, Keuppers L, Chambers J. 2019. Homeostatic maintenance of non-structural carbohydrates during the 2016-2016 El Niño across a tropical forest precipitation gradient. In press, Plant, Cell & Environment 42:1705-1714. Full text

Šímová I, Sandel B, Enquist BJ, Michaletz ST, Kattge J, Violle C, McGill B, Blonder B, Engemann K, Peet R, Wiser S, Morueta-Holme N, Boyle B, Kraft N, Svenning JC. 2019. The relationship of woody plant size and leaf nutrient content to large-scale productivity for forests across the Americas. Journal of Ecology 107:2278-2290. Full text

Weiser MD, Ning D, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, He Z, Enquist BJ, Waide RB, Zhou J, Kaspari M. 2019. Thermal disruption of soil bacterial assemblages decreases diversity and assemblage similarity. Ecosphere 10:e02598. Full text

Hogan J, McMahon S, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Enquist BJ, Thompson J, Swenson N, Zimmerman J. 2019. Drought and the interannual variability of stem growth in an aseasonal, everwet forest. Biotropica 51:139-154. Full text

Splawinski TB, Greene DF, Michaletz ST, Gauthier S, Houle D, Bergeron Y. 2019. Position of cones within cone clusters determines seed survival in black spruce during wildfire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49:121-127. Full text

Wang Z, Li Y, Su X, Tao S, Feng X, Wang Q, Xu X, Liu Y, Michaletz ST, Shrestha N, Larjavaara, Enquist BJ. 2019. Patterns and ecological determinants of woody plant height in eastern Eurasia and its relation to primary productivity. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:791-803. Full text


Blonder B, Michaletz ST. 2018. A model for leaf temperature decoupling from air temperature. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 262:354-360. Full text, File S1, File S2, Mathematica code, R code, Data

Michaletz ST. 2018. Evaluating the kinetic basis of plant growth from organs to ecosystems. New Phytologist 219:37-44. Full text, Supporting Information, R code

Michaletz ST. 2018. Xylem dysfunction in fires: Towards a hydraulic theory of plant responses to multiple disturbance stressors. New Phytologist 217:1931-1393. Full text

Michaletz ST, Kerkhoff AJ, Enquist BJ. 2018. Drivers of terrestrial plant production across broad geographical gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:166-174. Full text, Supplementary Information, Source Data

McDowell NG, Michaletz ST, Bennett KE, Solander KC, Xu C, Maxwell RM, Middleton RS. 2018. Predicting chronic climate-driven disturbances and their mitigation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33:15-27. Full text, Supplement

Hu Z, Michaletz ST, Johnson DJ, McDowell NG, Huang Z, Zhou X, Xu C. 2018. Traits drive global wood decomposition rates more than climate. Global Change Biology 24:5259-5269. Full text, Appendix S1, Source Data S2, Appendix S3

Weiser MD, Michaletz ST, Buzzard V, Deng Y, He Z, Shen L, Enquist BJ, Waide RB, Zhou J, Kaspari M. 2018. Toward a theory for diversity gradients: the abundance-adaptation hypothesis. Ecography 41:255-264. Full text

Weiser MD, Swenson NG, Enquist BJ, Michaletz ST, Waide RB, Zhou J, Kaspari M. 2018. Taxonomic decomposition of the latitudinal gradient in species diversity of North American floras. Journal of Biogeography 45:418-428. Full text

Deng Y, Ning D, Qin Y, Xue K, Wu L, He Z, Yin H, Liang Y, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Zhou J. 2018. Spatial scaling of forest soil microbial communities across a temperature gradient. Environmental Microbiology 20:3504-3513. Full text

Henn JJ, Buzzard V, Enquist BJ, Halbritter AH, Klanderud K, Maitner BS, Michaletz ST, Pötsch C, Seltzer L, Telford RJ, Yang Y, Zhang L, Vandvik V. 2018. Intraspecific trait variation and phenotypic plasticity mediate alpine plant species response to climate change. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1548. Full text

O’Brien JJ, Hiers JK, Varner JM, Hoffman CM, Dickinson MB, Michaletz ST, Loudermilk LL, Butler BW. 2018. Advances in mechanistic approaches to quantifying biophysical fire effects. Current Forestry Reports 4:161-177. Full text


Enquist BJ, Patrick Bentley L, Shenkin A, Maitner B, Savage V, Michaletz ST, Blonder B, Buzzard V, Boza Espinoza TE, Farfan W, Doughty C, Goldsmith GR, Martin RE, Salinas N, Silman M, Diaz S, Asner GP, Malhi Y. 2017. Assessing trait-based scaling theory in tropical forests spanning a broad temperature gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26:1357-1373. Full text, Supplement

Grossiord C, Sevanto S, Borrego I, Chan AM, Collins AD, Dickman LT, Hudson PJ, McBranch N, Michaletz ST, Pockman WT, Ryan M, Vilagrosa A, McDowell NG. 2017. Tree water dynamics in a drying and warming world. Plant, Cell & Environment 40:1861-1873. Full text

Kaspari M, Bujan J, Weiser MD, Ning D, Michaletz ST, He Z, Enquist BJ, Waide RB, Zhou J, Turner B, Wright SJ. 2017. Biogeochemistry drives diversity in the prokaryotes, fungi, and invertebrates of a Panama forest. Ecology 98:2019-2028. Full text

Zhou J, Deng Y, Shen L, Wen C, Yan Q, Ning D, Qin Y, Xue K, Wu L, He Z, Voordeckers J, Van Nostrand JD, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Enquist BJ, Weiser MD, Kaspari M, Waide R, Yang Y, Brown JH. 2017. Correspondence: Reply to ‘Analytical flaws in a continental-scale forest soil microbial diversity study’. Nature Communications 8:15583. Full text

Grossiord C, Sevanto S, Adams HD, Collins AD, Dickman LT, McBranch N, Michaletz ST, Stockton EA, Vigil, McDowell NG. 2017. Precipitation, not air temperature, drives functional responses of trees in semi-arid ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 105: 163–175. Full text


Michaletz ST, Weiser MD, McDowell NG, Zhou J, Kaspari M, Helliker BR, Enquist BJ. 2016. The energetic and carbon economic origins of leaf thermoregulation. Nature Plants 2:16129. Full text, Supplementary Information

Zhou J, Deng Y, Shen L, Wen C, Qin Y, Xue K, Wu L, He Z, Voordeckers J, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Enquist BJ, Weiser MD, Kaspari M, Waide R, Yang Y, Brown JH. 2016. Temperature mediates continental-scale diversity of microbes in forest soils. Nature Communications 7:12083. Full text, Supplementary Material

Tu Q, Deng Y, Yan Q, He Z, Wu L, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Enquist BJ, Weiser MD, Kaspari M, Waide R, Brown JH, Shen L, Zhou J. 2016. Biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities across six forests in North America. Molecular Ecology 25:2937-2948. Full text

Enquist BJ, Michaletz ST, Kerkhoff AJ. 2016. Toward a general scaling theory for linking traits, stoichiometry, and body size to ecosystem function. In EA Johnson and Y Martin (editors). A Biogeoscience Approach to Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. Full text


Michaletz ST, Weiser MD, Zhou J, Kaspari M, Helliker BR, Enquist BJ. 2015. Plant thermoregulation: Energetics, trait-environment interactions, and carbon economics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30:714-724. Full text, Supplementary Material

Greene DF, Michaletz ST. 2015. The role of fire in forest ecosystems. In Peh, K., R. Corlett, and Y. Bergeron (editors). Handbook of Forest Ecology. Routledge. pp. 114-126. Full text


Michaletz ST, Cheng D, Kerkhoff AJ, Enquist BJ. 2014. Convergence of terrestrial plant production across global climate gradients. Nature 512:39-43. Full text, Supplementary Information, Source Data, Corrigendum

Pounden E, Greene DF, Michaletz ST. 2014. Non-serotinous woody plants behave as aerial seed bank species when a late-summer wildfire coincides with a mast year. Ecology and Evolution 4:3830-3840. Full text

2013 & Earlier

Michaletz ST, Johnson EA, Mell WE, Greene DF. 2013. Timing of fire relative to seed development may enable non-serotinous species to recolonize from the aerial seed banks of fire-killed trees. Biogeosciences 10:5061-5078. Full text, Supplement

Michaletz ST, Johnson EA, Tyree MT. 2012. Moving beyond the cambium necrosis hypothesis of post-fire tree mortality: Cavitation and deformation of xylem in forest fires. New Phytologist 194: 254-263. Full text, Supporting Information

Macias Fauria M*, Michaletz ST*, Johnson EA. 2011. Predicting climate change effects on wildfires requires linking processes across scales. WIREs Climate Change 2:99-112. Full text

Michaletz ST, Johnson EA. 2008. A biophysical process model of tree mortality in surface fires. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 2013-2029. Full text

Michaletz ST, Johnson EA. 2007. How forest fires kill trees: a review of the fundamental biophysical processes. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 22:500-515. Full text

Michaletz ST, Johnson EA. 2006. A heat transfer model of crown scorch in forest fires. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 2839-2851. Full text

Michaletz ST, Johnson EA. 2006. Foliage influences forced convection heat transfer in conifer branches and buds. New Phytologist 170: 87-98. Full text, erratum

*contributed equally to the work.